Thursday, November 29, 2012


On Tuesday, May 15, I announced that I would be running a half marathon to raise money for the WUSC Student Refugee Program - a.k.a. the be all and end all of what I stand for as a human being. I struggled to run a kilometre at that point. That was almost 7 months ago. At this point, the furthest I've run is 17 km.

Ready...I am all packed. Set...I leave for Vegas tomorrow. Go...I run on Sunday.

This photo scares the crap out of me. I imagine little ol' me in that vast mass of people and cry a bit on the inside. Running alone for 21 km is one thing, running with that many people, shoulder to shoulder (for at least a little while) is another. My race number is 31298. My corral number is 31. My required finish time is 4:00:00. My goal all along has simply been to finish in that allotted time. As running got easier and my confidence greater, I realised I could very likely finish in 3:00:00. That, however, was before I injured my foot on November 13 at approximately 5:30 p.m. That was 2 and 1/2 weeks ago and I haven't actually run since then. I've done a few hour long elliptical runs and I am confident that my heart and lungs will hold out for the full 21 km. As for my foot carrying me through 21 pavement pounding kms, I'm not so sure.

I have a slip on tensor and a wrap tensor and sore foot or not, I'm doing this. My new goal is to stick it out running for 12 km (a little over half of the race). If, at that point, I need to walk, so be it.

I've raised almost $3200 for WUSC and I'm hoping to reach $5000 by the end of January. Perhaps once I prove to people that I have actually completed the run, they will be even more generous! Here's hoping!

21K for Change

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